Thursday 24 October 2013

Bitcoin Sniper Review

 Bitcoin Sniper Review

Bitcoin Sniper, before explaining what it is, who it's made by, and what you have to do immediately makes the impression that $1,236,314 dollars can be made by you, without spending any money and all taking less than a minute. Of course it is exaggerating but at some point there has to be a line as to how far you go (Did I mention that the person who is 'giving you' this is claimed to have made $1,236,314 by 'sitting on my [his] ass'?).

Simply by watching the video itself you can apparently make the previously stated amount (they must have worked out the exact amount somehow, or picked the biggest number they could think of that didn't sound too outrageous) without wasting any of your time (though in my opinion the video is a waste of time. I watched it and I don't see my bank account any better off, and it contradicts itself. From no time at all to just a tiny two minutes of your time).
Bitcoin Sniper Review
Bitcoin Sniper Review

Whoever it is narrating the video (the website is pretty much a video, download button, and legal small print) relates to those of us out here who are buying “useless junk” and trying to sell it and then reveals his revelation! He's a millionaire, and of course he isn't busying himself managing his trades or just swimming in his private pool, he's passing his trick onto us through a very “short” video.

The software which costs 'only $39' is an automated bitcoin trading program which 'does all the work for you' and allows you to gradually collect the money from trading. If anything, the constant repetition and contraction in the video simply makes it sound to stupid to be true, and it probably is. Bitcoin Sniper is one product that I'm happy to say that I will not be trying. It follows many of the clichés of the software which it discredits, basically doing what they do but changing “forex” (it has a grudge against forex) into Bitcoin.